From the breach in the sky, does the white bird fly
Flying round and round, flitting from place to place
Can I see your countenance, would you show me your face?
I envy you, oh mighty bird..
How I wish I could be there with you, ensconced in the open space
Have no covetousness, no anger, no fear of my own race.
Who am I?

- Pranay Gupta
- I am not religious, but I don't mind calling myself spiritual. Religion, I believe, has, over the millennia, been used as a prop to perpetrate a lot of human suffering. Faith is what matters. I don't believe in the definition of God as a creator. According to me, my God resides within me. Some call it conscience, some call it the sub-conscious, some call it the soul. I don't mind calling it God. So by definition I am not an atheist or an agnostic, but by essence, I may as well be. My God does not reside in a temple, church, mosque or gurudwara. It is right here, within me.
You write very well making it look like a garment with a lace,
ReplyDeleteExpressed the sweet poem truly with a lot of grace.
Well done!